Earned Media​
Our View: Electric vehicles: State right to push for more options. September 22, 2020. Mankato Free Press
Thanks to Moller for supporting clean cars, consumer choice. September 15, 2020. Shoreview Press
2025 too long to wait for clean car standard. August 24, 2020. Duluth News Tribune
Clean Cars Are the Future. August 19, 2020. Winona Post
We need the Clean Car Standard. August 18, 2020. Quad Community Press
Explorer's View: Embrace electric vehicles, clean energy for cleaner Minnesota future. July 17, 2020. Duluth News Tribune
Steve Molenaar: We must do more to help our climate. July 17, 2020. West Central Tribune
Tom Ezdon: Don't block Clean Cars initiative. June 14, 2020. Winona Daily News
In Response: Minnesota, too, can reap benefits of clean-car technology. June 2, 2020. Duluth News Tribune
Reader's View: Walz right to reject emissions status quo. May 22, 2020. Duluth News Tribune
Letter: Minnesotans want more clean cars. April 9, 2020. Alexandria Echo Press
Now, more than ever, is the time to adopt clean car standards, not allow more pollution. April 8, 2020. Minnesota Reformer
Clean Cars for a better future. March 28, 2020. Sun This Week
Elected officials have a duty to ensure that all Minnesotans have access to electric vehicles. March 9, 2020. MinnPost
Reader opinion: We deserve a choice. March 4, 2020. Brainard Dispatch
Hey senators: Don't presume to speak for all rural Minnesotans. We want electric cars and hybrids, too. March 3, 2020. Fairbault Daily News
Mark Peterson: Electric vehicles are fantastic. February 21, 2020. West Central Tribune
Reader's View: Line 3 ruling went against medical advice. February 10, 2020. Duluth News Tribune
Statewide view column: 'Clean cars' would benefit Minnesota's environment, economy. January 16, 2020. Duluth News Tribune
Clean energy works for Minnesota; state should accelerate the transition. January 16, 2020. MinnPost
Last updated: October 6, 2020